Our CEO - Mike Castaldi

All About Small Business

Since 2007, Wild Frog Consulting has provided technology services for small businesses across Ohio. During our early years we focused primarily on creative businesses, such as advertising and design firms. Over time, however, we’ve branched into many other business realms such as architecture, legal, and counseling services, among others. In 20+ years of professionally supporting small businesses, a constant complaint has been how hard it is to get the benefits of a full-featured IT support team but scaled to meet their needs. That's a big reason why Wild Frog came to be. We believe small businesses should have access to the same expertise and services that large enterprises get from a dedicated in-house IT team. We use many of the same tools & processes used in large enterprises and tailor them to deliver real business results for small companies with 10 to 50 employees.

Where Did The Wild Frog Name Come From?

We get asked this a lot - and it's a great story. When Mike Castaldi started his Mac consulting business in 2007, he joined the Apple Consultants Network. Apple said everything looked great - except his company/corporate name didn't meet Apple's trademark use guidelines. If you've ever dealt with Apple or any other large company, they can be very protective of their trademarks. Mike went around and around with Apple and found what was OK and what was not OK was comically arbitrary. After 3 weeks of this, Mike finally had enough and decided to pick a name that didn't have "Apple" or "Mac" in it. That way, Apple couldn't say squat about it. We needed something that would stand out. . .would be memorable and lend itself to a brand. . .and it had to have a domain available. And so the Wild Frog Consulting name arose out of that hassle from Apple. Truth be told, it turned out so much better than our "corporate" name. So while we have to use our "corporate" name on our tax filings, contracts, etc., we're very proud to be Wild Frog.

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    The Central Ohio Business Owner's Guide To I.T. Support Services And Fees

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